Just for Mums has partnered with Jelena from Life Food Balance to bring you customised nutrition programs.

Jelena Nutritionist from Life Food Balance

Meet Jelena

Jelena is a qualified nutritionist and mindset coach who is a busy mother of two, a foodie, and obsessed with guiding women to better health and well-being.
As mothers, we’re often juggling work, ‘mum life’, and managing everyone else in the household that we put ourselves last.

If we develop unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits due to stress, we find ourselves lacking mental clarity, unable to cope, and feeling exhausted. Poor nutrition ends up taking a toll on our bodies and the way we feel about ourselves.

That is why there is nothing more satisfying to me than supporting women, especially mums on their journey to live healthier, more energised, and happier lives.

With me, you will not only produce results but develop incredible habits that will continue to benefit you throughout your life.



Click for a FREE Discovery Call with me and receive a PDF on how to start your day stress-free

Life Food Balance Nutrition Program

Life Food Balance offers customised nutrition programs and individual coaching that fits your lifestyle and helps you reach your goals.

We are all uniquely different, and what works for other people may not work for you. You have different goals, different lifestyles and tastes from other people, which means in order to stick to a plan, it needs to be tailored to YOU.

What you get as part of the program:

  • 8 video courses covering:
    • Setting goals
    • Mind set
    • Morning routine ( habit changes)
    • Breakfast foods
    • Healthy food choices
    • Importance of drinking water
    • Evening routine
    • Food and supplementation
  • Weekly goals and health tracker
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Food guide

I’m not here to tell you that you can’t enjoy food!

When most people think about losing weight and improving their nutrition, they worry about how it is going to affect their lifestyles.

Will I still be able to eat the food that I enjoy?

How will I stay on top of eating properly when I’m so busy rushing around after kids and juggling other life commitments?

They worry that they won’t have the time to figure out what they can and can’t eat and the disruption it will cause to their lives. It all makes it seem just too hard.

What if I tell you…

It is possible to enjoy the food you once loved, along with simplifying your nutrition journey so that you never have to stress about what you can or can’t eat.

Poor planning and support are the main reasons why many women never reach their weight goals. We all live stressful lives, so when we are disorganised, or feeling exhausted and emotional, we reach for foods we should probably avoid. The lack of planning, guidance, and social pressures around us leads us to make poor food choices, bringing us two steps backward.

If we don’t get back on track quickly, it’s easy to slip into a downward spiral, where the gains we have made are lost, and we are back to where we started.

Click the button below for a FREE Discovery Call with Jelena