Hi, I’m Lydia, a REPS Registered Certified Personal Training (Level 4 – Fit Futures Academy), a Pre & Postnatal Coach (CPPC-GGS) and a Certified Group Fitness Specialist (ISSA) based in Auckland, New Zealand.
Business owner, a wife and a mum to 2 beautiful baby girls, I love supporting, empowering and inspiring mums to achieve their goals and I look forward to helping you achieve yours.
I’m passionate about the woman’s body and its ability to adapt. As a coach, educating women to understand their bodies, the changes that occur during pregnancy, how their posture alters as the baby grows, and the postpartum recovery process is what I enjoy doing.
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How I got here?
Fitness has been an integral part of my lifestyle for a long time and so I thought it would be easy for me to ‘get my body back’ after giving birth to Emily (my first born). Nine weeks postpartum and I jumped back into my regular workouts… And there it all unfolded- starting with terrible back pain.
The pain got worse day by day, I found it extremely difficult and frustrating as I couldn’t move about much or even carry my baby for more than a couple of minutes.
I searched online and was overwhelmed with the number of articles, fad diets, 5-minute ab workouts and ‘challenges’ that popped up, but there was nothing that actually educated me on the recovery process and changes that my body was going through.
This is when I made the decision to study. I realised that our society puts a lot of stress on a mum to “get her body back” but doesn’t really teach her how!
Mums will always be postpartum, but peeing when you laugh, constant back pain, prolapse, etc. etc. etc. are not supposed to be a part of the wonderful package we call motherhood.

My Mission
To help mums lead active, pain-free lives, and to teach them that they can be STRONGER and more SATISFIED with their bodies after having babies.
Through my programmes, online coaching and personal training on ‘Just for mums’ I want to make fitness accessible to mums and teach them that during pregnancy you shouldn’t be too concerned and stop exercising because you are worried it will hurt the baby. If done correctly, it won’t.
While during your postpartum journey sometimes ‘less is more’. It isn’t about the “no pain, no gain” mentality, but about how to exercise efficiently and move optimally